The preservation of the Mvskoke language is critical to the future of our culture. We make only a small portion of the Mvskoke language available here, but we hope that Tribal members and other Mvskokes will use this as a resource to learn more.
See the above graphic, especially "C," (ch) "V," (uh) "E," (i) "I," (Ee) "O," (Oh) "U" (Uu).
Sentence Order:
(1) Subject (2) Subject's Adjectives (3) Object (4) Object's Adcetives (5) Adverbs (6) Verbs, or S-a-O-a-av-V.
Vc/Cv - Me
Vne - I / Self (as object)
Cvm(e) - My (object/animal)
Vn/Vm - My
Vntat - As for me
Vntv? - And me?
Ce - You
Cen/Cem - Your
Cemeo - You too!
Centv - And you?
E/Em/En - He/She/It/They/Theirs/THem
--- Em - when before a vowel
--- E/En - when before a consonant
Heyv/Heyvn/Yvmv/Yvmvn - This/Here
Mv/Mvn - That/There
Momet - That, over there
Momen - And then
Mvta? - And that?
Yv - This
Nake - The thing
Emetake - They
Pume - We
Pu - We
Pom/Pun - Us
Pumeo - Us too
Puntv? - And us?
-at - The (changing -e to -at makes a definite noun, e.g. Katcv Lvste = Black Panther; Katcv Lvstat = The Black Panther
-t - A (changing -e to -et makes an indefinite noun, e.g. Katcv Lvste = Black Panther; Katcv Lvstet = A Black Panther
-sasv - place with, suffix (e.g. Katcv-sasv = Place with Panthers)
Akcvohko - Water bird, like a crane
Atvme - Automobile/Car
Ayo - Hawk
Achi- corn (c.f. sofke, ecko)
Cahtv - Blood
Canv – Flies
Cesse - Mouse
Cesse Thlakko - Rat
Cepan - Boy
Cufe - Rabbit
Cufe Honeco - Woodsrabbit
Cufe Thlakko - Jackrabbit
Culv - Fox
Cuntv - Maggot / gross worm
Cetto - Snake
Choko - House
Efv - Deer
Efvlke - Deer Clan
Este - Person
Estepapv - Man-Eater
Ethlo - Squirrel
Ecko - Dried Corn
Efa - Dog
Ekvnsatkv - Marks on the Earth/Tracks
Ekvnwv - Earth
Este - Man
Este-thlmethlketvn - the needy , the poor , the suffering
Eto - Tree
Fehpv - Flute
Fullan - Air
Fus - Bird
Fuswvlke - Bird Clan
Fus-cahtv - Cardinal, lit. Blood Bird
Fus-Cate - Red Bird
Fuco - Duck
Fuco Lvste - Black Duck, like the American Coot
Fucosule - Muscovy Duck
Hvnthlv [Cuk]Wuce - Hummingbird
Hokte - Girl
Hotvle - Wind
Hotvlke - Wind Clan
Hoktvci - Little Girl
Hoktvle - Woman
Hvcce - Stream (always lengthen pause following doubled letters)
Hvce - Tail
Hvlwe talwvlke - High towns / Heaven
Iste-Cate– Red People / Native Americans
Ito ici – Leaves / tree hair
Katcv - Wildcat, like a Cougar or Panther
Katcvlke - Wildcat Clan
Kokkv - Swan
Kute - Treefrogs
Kvfko- Fleas
Kvsappv - North
Kwv - Osprey
Lekothv - South
Lvmhe – Eagle
Mvhayv - Teacher
Nokuse - Bear
Nokvsvlke - Bear Clan
Nokuse-Lvste – Blackbear
Nake - Thing or What
Nene istemethlketvn- Trail of Tears, lit. Way of the suffering people
Nene – Way / Path
Nethle - Night
Noksukcv - Pelican
Okyeha - Mosquito
Oka/Oiwa- water
O Thlakko - Great Blue Heron
Osawv - Crow
Papv - Eater
Pvce-Lane - Parrot (Yellow Dove)
Pvce - Dove
Pvnnvtv - Wild animals
Penwv - Turkey
Pokko Thlakko - Basketball
Sake-Lv - Black bird
Satkv - Mark
Sofke - Hominy grits
Thlakko - Horse, lit. "Big", originally "Efv Thlakko" or "Big Deer"
Thlakko Pihkv - Mule
Thlakko Pihkv Hakv - Donkey
Thlvtce-Kuphe - Camel
Tafv - Feather
Totkv - Fire
Toknawah - Money
Tomatv - Tomato
Vpuekv - Tame Animals
Vce - Corn
Vhv - Potato
Vhvlke - Swamp Potato Clan
Wasko- Chigger
Wotko - Raccoon
Wotkvlke - Raccoon Clan
Wotko-Este - Monkey, lit. Raccoon Man
Wvko Hvtke - White Egret
Wvnwv - Sister
Wvcenv - United States, lit. "Virginia"
Uewv - Water
Yupo - Nose
Yupo Luwake - Elephant
Yvhv - Wolf
Yvnvsv - Buffalo
Yvpefikv- Sheep
Yvpe-Thlakke - Ram
Afvcke - Happy/Joyful
Cate - Red
Cefke - Thick
Cutke - Small
Cvpakke - Angry
Fvmpe - Stinky
Fvmcuse - Fragrant
Fvske - Sharp
Hethle - Good
Hethleko - Bad
Hiye - Hot (Temperature)
Hvlwe - High
Home - Spicy/Hot
Honne - Heavy
Hopiye - Far
Hvlvlatke - Slow
Hvtke - White
Leske - Old
Lvpke - Hurry
Lvne - Yellow
Lvste - Black
Kvsvppe - Cold
Kocukne - Short
Luwake - Weak
Lopucke - Little
Lopice - Obedient
Mapohiceko - Disobedient
Mahe - Tall
Mocvse - New
Mvnette - Young
Neskv-Cuko - Store (as in, shop)
Polokse - Round
Polse - Slow
Pvfne - Fast
Pvthko ome - Purple
Svtahe - Square
Tefne - Dull
Thlemhe - Thin
Toske - Sour, as in fermented
Topaske - Bland
Thlakko/e - Big/Large
Tvhokne - Light (Bright)
Vcle - Old
Vceweseko - Very soon/Not long
Vwole - Close
Yekce - Strong
Yomucke - Dark
Hofune Yomucke - Long Dark, lit. Late at Night
-n - adverbs; add an -n to a -e or -et verb ending to create an adverb; e.g. Pvfne -> Pvfnen to create an adverb. Align adverb prefix to verb prefix:
-vlke - people
-tos - It is, suffix (e.g. Homa-tos = It is spicy.)
-toko - It is not, suffix (e.g. Homa-toko = It is not spicy.)
-towa? - Is it?, suffix (e.g. Homa-towa? = Is it spicy.)
Verb Prefixes
Vc/Cv - Me
Ce - You
Pu - We
Pun - Us
Vn/Vm - My
Cen/Cem - You
En/Em = His/Her/Its
-vs/cvs is a command suffix turning a verb into a command
-cis is a 1st person suffix
-etv - infitive suffix added to verb meaning "to ___" or "____ing"
-kot - Don't , a negating suffix equivalent to adding "don't" before a word in English
-kv - Do , a positive suffix equivalent to adding "do" before a word in English
Emvnicetv - To Help
Hayetv - To Make
Hocetv - To Grind
Hoccicetv - To Write
Hompetv - To Eat
Cvnetv - To Do
Liketv - To Sit (while living)
Tvklakv - To Sit (while inanimate)
Laksetv - To Lie (as in, dishonesty)
Maketv - To Say
Omvtv -To Be
Ocetv - To Have
Tepoyetv - To Fight
Vyetv - To Go
Vtetv - To Come
Vlvketv - To Arrive
iem - with
o fv - Inside
Tos - Is
Greeting Phrases:
Hethlis-chee - It is good (As question, or as response to estonko)
Estonko - No problems?
--- Ehe tonko tos - Yes! No problems.
Emonksa? - Everything the same?
--- Emonkos - Nothing's changed.
Moncentv - And how about you?
Cehecathles - I will see you.
Hvtvm cehecathles - I will see you again.
Hvtvm Tehecyvthles - We will see each other again.
Estonkon cukhayvtikv - Did you make it through the night okay?
Ehe - Yes
Enka - You are welcome, Lit. "and you"
Emvnicvs! - Help them!
He-lah! - Stop that!
Naket ohaks - What is it?
Monko - No
Mvto! - Thank you!
Mvtci - I am thankful!
Mvdowvdee - Thank you all!
Pvcase emvnicvs! - Lord help them!
Vcaketcet os - You are important
Mvskoke opunakv opunayetske omv - Do you speak Mvskoke?
Hvlalotken opunayis - Please speak slowly
Hvtm Makis - Say that again?
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